

daytime support

Includes emotional and physical support, light housekeeping, cooking, newborn care education, as well as feeding support and education. (3 hour shift minimum)

Starts at $42/hr

Pre-natal cram session

Have a lot of questions, but don’t feel like you need full, in person doula support? Schedule a 2 hour session with me and we can go through all your questions and concerns and you’ll get my evidence based knowledge not just an opinion. We can take a look at your registry and nursery and I can offer my advice.

$175 for 2 hours (in person or virtual)

nighttime support

Includes overnight infant care to allow rest for parents, feeding help, establishing positive sleep habits, as well as quiet household help (8 hour shift minimum).

Starts at $42/hr

Compassion, care and coaching

4 hours of emotional and physical support without committing to a long term contract.


lactation counseling

Includes one 90 minute session in your home. We will discuss your history and I will do an assessment of you and baby, including observing a feeding session. We will then develop a plan for you to meet your goals and arrange follow-up care if necessary.

Starts at $150/session

Virtual Support

Includes one 30 minute call a day, as well as unlimited texts and emails in regards to any baby or feeding questions you have.

Starts at $250/week


If you don’t see an offering that fits your needs, please ask. My goal is to help in a way that works best for your family.

All postpartum packages include a 1 hour planning session with me.